Are Phone Chat lines Scam or Legit? (Is Caht line scam?)
- On 15 jan 2020
- By Nate Smith
- Tags Scam Chatlines legit Chatlines Scam Chat line Chat line scam Legit Chat line
Beware! Your First Online Chat Is Like Your First Physical Date
Best Dating chatlines are supposed to connect real callers who are interested in phone dating in real time. But some less-known chatlines have been exposed for using paid operators in order to keep the lines more busy and the members more engaged. By keeping some professional phone operator on payroll, the chatlines are able to entertain male callers longer, resulting in more used minutes, increased client retention rate and renewals. Harmless if you are just looking for entertainment, but what about those people that are calling a chatline with the hopes of meeting someone in real life? Chatlines with paid operators are scamming those who are looking for real relationships, and not a fantasy based on a lie. Phone chatlines are not the only service known to use fake operators. Some dating sites to add to the fantasy. Sites such as Ashley Madison are know for having company operated profiles. Chatlines — like dating sites — protect themselves by acknowledging the existence of fake profiles on their terms and condition’s fine print. If you want to make sure you are not stuck spending your money while talking to a paid phone operator with absolutely no desire of getting to know you, make sure you stick to the mainstream phone dating lines such as Livelinks, QuestChat, Fonochat, Vibeline these are top legit chatlines, which spend enormous advertising budgets to attract authentic callers, both males and females from all across the county into their systems.
I think that in all industries are scammers and even the phone dating chatlines are not exception. You have to use your head in everything and so it is even when you are using chatlines. I date 6 girls which I met on Livelinks chat line not a single one was a scam the girls were for real not so good as they represent them selves, but great for friendship and one night stand! I have got buddy who met the girl trough Fonochat and his story was short: Call, talk, meet, marry the girl. So some are seriously legit but there are also scammers.
Thanks, for sharing a good experience with chat lines. If you have good or bad experience post it we can learn from either side.